
Addiction as an Attachment Disorder: Attachment gone wrong

Date and Time: Saturday 9th March 2024, 10am – 4pm
Workshop Leader: Sarah Pennock
Where: Online (Zoom platform)

Why attend this workshop?

Attachment is defined as the lifelong need human beings have for affectionate ties with significant other human beings. It is a biological necessity for us to have a secure attachment relationship. Although much of the research on attachment has focused on infants and children, attachment theory is also applicable to adults in a psychodynamic framework, as 75% of attachment patterns remain stable through to adulthood.


The impact of childhood events often casts a deep shadow over us in adult life. Understanding Attachment Theory can serve as a solid foundation for understanding the development of ineffective coping strategies, and the underlying dynamics of a client’s emotional difficulties.

Is addiction a search for a secure base?

Does addiction provide the soothing and safety from which the person can emerge and engage in exploration?

This workshop will consider the aetiology of a person’s addiction as resulting initially from a place of disrupted early attachment.

Workshop aims

  1. To revisit Attachment Theory, with a focus on insecure attachment.
  2. To understand how substance abuse can be seen as a manifestation of insecure attachment in the addicted client.
  3. To consider links between insecure attachment and process addictions such as gambling and disordered eating.
  4. To explore how to work with addiction from an attachment perspective (in small break out rooms and the larger group discussion).

Workshop outline

During the day participants will briefly re-visit attachment theory and styles. We will consider the links between attachment insecurity and: substance misuse, disordered eating and gambling. There will be presentation of theory and research, alongside Sarah’s clinical vignettes and treatment approach.

Expect an interactive day with several breakout rooms and sharing of clinical material with fellow participants.

There is an expectation that participants are familiar with the basics of attachment theory (Attachment in Psychotherapy, David J. Wallin, 2017).

Optional Recommended Reading

Addiction as an Attachment Disorder. Philip Flores, 2004.

Predictive Validity of Patient and Therapist Attachment and Introject Styles. Bruck, Winston, Aderholt, Muran. American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol 60 (4), 2006.

Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and how to can help you find love. Amir Levine & Rachel Heller. 2011.

Client and Therapist Attachment Styles and Working Alliance Bucci, Seymour-Hyde, Harris, Berry. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, Vol 10 (2), 2015.

Addictions from An Attachment Perspective. Edited by Richard Gill, Karnac, 2014.

All participants completing the workshop will receive a Certificate of Attendance for Continuing Professional Development purposes.


  • £90

How to Register

Applications made directly to Sarah at: info@marylebonetherapist.co.uk, and must be received by Thursday 7th March 2024.

Booking will be final after receipt of payment.

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